Productions 2009-2014

November 2014, The Music Man

Cast: Jill Neuhaus as Marian Paroo, Chris Turton as Professor Harold Hill, Karen Cassidy as Mrs Paroo, Dan Lenard as Mayor Shinn, Lisa Berglund as Eulalie MacKechnie Shinn, Nicholas Mark Czaplicki as Marcellus Washburn, Kieran Smith as Winthrop Paroo, Deb Jasinski as Alma Hix, Sara Kovacsi as Maud Dunlap, Wendy Swihart as Ethel Toffelmier, Marcy Katzman Lenard as Mrs Squires, David Wagner as Charlie Cowell, Andy Gonlag as Ewart Dunlap, Bruce Woody as Oliver Hix, David Smith as Olin Britt, Kevin Koczka as Jacey Squires, Erica Kilgore as Zaneeta Shinn, Elissa Szymczak as Gracie Shinn, Salvatrice Arricale as Amaryllis, Tyler Vogt as Tommy Djilas, and Martin Wachadlo as Constable Locke. 

Ensemble: Cherie Ruben, Ray Herman, Lesta Ammons, Patrick Creaven, Margaret Schroeder, Debbie Smith, Sue Marom, Steven Marom, Ray Castro, Barbara Church-Smith, Mel Churchill, Michael Daniels, Lois Gochnauer, Kristen Jutzin, Molly Murphy, Amber Powers, Emily Pici, Isabella Ruof, Florence Sodus, Michael Daniels, Nancy Barlow, Lorenzo Arricale, Maddie Bellanti, Matthew Cullen, Jordan Heburn, J Kloberdanz, Matthew Mysliwy, Claire Neuhaus, Julia Polisoto, Rachel Swihart, and Sarah Swihart.

Stage Director: Gayle Nason-Churchill; Music Director: Paul Waara; Choreographer: Kathie Prospero. Presented at The Riviera Theatre, North Tonawanda.

May 2014, She Loves Me

Michelle Holden as Amalia, Nicholas Mark Czaplicki as Georg, Jeff Mokski as Kodaly, Jennifer Fitzery as Ilona, Ray Castro as Maraczek, Ted Randell as Arpad, Dale M. McKim, Jr., as Sipos, Andy Gonlag as the Headwaiter, Steve Marom as Keller; Emily Yancey, Sara Kovacsi and Debbie Smith as the trio; with Kate Smith, Lisa Berglund, Valerie Lohr, Wendy Swihart, Marcy Katzman Lenard, John Macomber, and Ray Herman. Music Director Paul Waara, Stage Director Deb Jasinski. Presented at the Alleyway Theatre, Buffalo.

October 2013, HMS Pinafore, or the Lass that Loved a Sailor

Sir Joseph Porter, KCB.....John VogtCaptain Corcoran.....Nicholas Mark CzaplickiRalph Rackstraw.....Paul WaaraDick Deadeye.....Andy GonlagBoatswain.....Jeff MokskiCarpenter.....Ray CastroJosephine.....Jill NeuhausHebe.....Margaret SchroederLittle Buttercup.....Sara KovacsiStage Director.....Gayle Nason-ChurchillMusic Director.....Paul Waara / Conductor.....Gail BauserPresented at the Riviera Theatre, North Tonawanda 

Spring 2013, The Pirates of Penzance, or the Slave of Duty

Jeff Mokski as the Pirate King, Paul Waara as Frederic, John Vogt as Major General Stanley, Ernest Churchwell as the Sergeant of Police, Andy Gonlag as Samuel, Kateri Gormley as Mabel, Debbie Smith as Edith, Kathy Kane as Kate, Magdalyn Chauby as Isabel and Deb Jasinski as Ruth. With David T. Barrett, Michele Diegelman, Raymond Castro, Sara Kovacsi, Ray Herman, Kristen Jutzin, Alex Kane, Martin Wachaldo, Dan Lenard, M. K. Lenard, Bruce Woody, Val Lohr, Molly Murphy, Rosie Owens, Margaret Schroeder, and Wendy Swihart, Presented at Alleyway Theatre, stage director Lisa Berglund, music director James Welch.

November 2012, The Sorcerer

Emily Yancey as Aline, Deb Jasinski as Lady Sangazure, Debbie Smith as Constance, Lisa Berglund as Mrs Partlet, Nicholas Mark Czaplick as John Wellington Wells, Chris Creech as Alexis, Andy Gonlag as Dr Daly, Ken Schlimgen as Sir Marmaduke Pointdextre, Mel Churchill as the Notary; with Patrick Creaven, Bruce Woody, Margaret Schroeder, Valerie Lohr, Wendy Swihart, Steve Marom, Sue Marom, Lesta Ammons, Martin Wachadlo, Cherie Ruben, Ray Castro, Ray Herman, Sara Kovacsi and Leanne Troutman.
Stage Director Gayle Nason-Churchill; Music Director: Paul Waara; presented at Riviera Theatre
Lady Sangazure and Aline backstage

May 2012, Iolanthe, or the Peer and the Peri

John Vogt as the Lord Chancellor, Andy Gonlag as Strephon, Christopher Neuhaus as Lord Mountararat, Chris Creech as Lord Tolloller, Jeff Mokski as Private Willis, Cherie Ruben as Queen of the Fairies, Pam Szalay as Iolanthe, Debbie Smith as Celia, Tanya Guttierez as Leila, Valerie Lohr as Fleta, and Emily Yancey as Phyllis, with Marcy Katzman Lenard, Deb Jasinski, Wendy Swihart, Emily Warren, Lindsay Andrews, Margaret Schroeder, Ian Rowlins, Ernest Churchwell, Jamie Goldfuss, and Patrick Creaven, 
Music Director Paul Waara | Stage Director Lisa Berglund Presented at Alleyway Theatre

December 2011, Amahl and the Night Visitors

Chris Creech as Kaspar, Bruce Woody as Melchior, Michael Teti as Amahl, and Dave Smith as Balthazar. Not pictured are Meghan Attridge (the Mother) and Ray Sombrotto (alternate Amahl). 
Paul Waara, Music Director; Deb Jasinski, Assistant Music Director, and Lisa Berglund, Stage Coordinator. James Welch, Accompanist.
Presented at Amherst Community Church, Corpus Christi Church (Buffalo), and St. Gregory the Great (Williamsville). The second half of the program was a concert of Christmas favorites by the Opera-Lytes Chorus.

June 2011,  The Yeomen of the Guard

or the Merryman and his Maid

Andy Gonlag as Sir Richard Cholmondeley, Chris Creech as Colonel Fairfax, Chris Neuhaus as Sergeant Meryll, Jamie Boswell as Leonard Merryl, Ciaran Krueger as Jack Point, Bo Dejneka as Wilfred Shadbolt, Bruce Woody as First Yeoman, Jeff Mokski as Second Yeoman, Lisa Krueger as Elsie Maynard, Sára Kovácsi as Phoebe Meryll, Lucyanne Georger as Dame Carruthers, and Emily Yancey as Kate; with Karen Cassidy, Patrick Creaven, Alan Creech, Mel Churchill, Ray Herman, Deb Jasinski, Steven Marom, Sue Marom, Marcy Katzman Lenard, Kim Metz, and Deborah Smith. Stage Director: Gayle Nason-Churchill; Vocal Director: Paul Waara; Concertmaster: Ted Smeltz. 

Spring 2010, The Gondoliers, or the King of Barataria

Paul Waara as MarcoAndy Gonlag as GiuseppeBohdan Dejneka as the Duke of Plaza-ToroJeff Mokski as the Grand InquisitorCiaran Krueger as LuizChris Neuhaus as AntonioRay Herman as FrancescoPatrick Creaven as GiorgioSteven Marom as AnnibaleLarry Decz as LorenzoSara Kovacsi as GianettaSarah Rodman as TessaLucyanne Georger as the DuchessChristina Lynch as CasildaCherie Ruben as FiamettaKayla Kreis as VittoriaWendy Swihart as GiuliaSandy Sekeuterski as InezAmanda Schultz as RosinaStage Director, Lisa BerglundMusic Director & Concertmaster, Ted SmeltzChoreographer, Kathy Prospero